200 Stephens Road Maineville, OH. 45039
Church Venture has been searching for land in Hamilton Township since 2018. In March 2024 we will be a 10-year-old community of faith. Our Sunday morning home has been located in a strip mall located on Western Row Road since 2014.
In our land search we were never able to find affordable land for sale. Anything on the market was listed for millions! After years of searching, we made a last-ditch effort and posted on the Hamilton Township Facebook page a simple request:“We are a church looking for 5 to 10 acres of land to call our home”. We received three responses by folks selling land. One homeowner was located on the outskirts of Hamilton Twp in a very non-residential area. The second homeowner had land that was almost ready to be listed and honestly was a bit above what we could afford. The third homeowner was ready to sell and willing to work with us! Between August 2022 and January 2023, we worked through the process of raising funds within our own congregation, borrow funds from an out of state religious organization, as well as crossing T’s and dotting I’s to land at our closing date, January 26, 2023.
We are very excited about these 11.494 acres! Our future on this land is extremely bright!!!
Community Needs
Recreation Leagues
Art Classes
Open Gym
Free Fitness
Game Rooms
Courts & Fields
Hiking Trails
We want to become a Community Center Church located at 200 Stephens Road. We are a community of faith designed to serve our community, and the future building will be designed primarily to serve Hamilton Township!
Hamilton Township does not have space that is open to the public that is not a school, retail center or restaurant. Our vision is that the entire 11 acre location will be a 7 day a week Community Center!
We want our building and property to be used by the community just like a community center!
Open Door Groups
Foster Parent Classes
Medical Screening
Self Defense Classes
After Prom
Team Meals
Cancer Society Mtgs
Church Venture Sponsored
Sunday Worship
Support Groups
Financial Stress Management
Drama Seminars
Bible Studies
Euchre Tournaments
Movie Nights
These are just some of the hopes and dreams we have been having as we take our very first steps towards developing 200 Stephens Road. Of course, the space could be rented very affordably for private parties, HOA meetings, Board of Realtors gatherings etc.
Church Venture took occupation of the 200 Stephens Road property in March 2023. We have been working on the property doing things like taking down the horse fences, trimming and cutting down trees, and caring for the lawn and pastures so they do not become overgrown. It would take quite a bit of time and money to update the existing house for residential use. We also been working with the Hamilton Township Fire Department. We have allowed the HTFD to use the house for training and on Friday, November 3rd the house is scheduled to be control burned as a training opportunity for the HTFD!Once the house is burned, we will have the remains removed from the property. At that time, we will have the horse barn removed from the property also.
2022 August
2023 January
2023 March
2023 March – Present
2023 October 22
2023 October 22
2023 November
2023 November
2024 Spring & Summer
Church Venture Begins a Search for Land in Hamilton Township
Church Venture Posts on Hamilton Township Facebook Page
On the 26th of the month Church Venture Closed on the Property
March 1st Church Venture took occupation of the property
We have hosted worship and guys nights on the property
10 AM Public Worship located on the Property
3 PM Public Concert featuring Exit 52, Smores & DogsEveryone in Hamilton Township is invited!!!
On Friday the 3rd the HDFD will burn down the house!
House remains and horse barn will be removed from property
Be on the lookout for a full line up of Spring and Summerevent opportunities such as Movie Nights, Help create a Community Walking Trail, Concerts, etc.
We do not have a groundbreaking date for the future building! Our plan is to break ground in 2025.
Absolutely! We are making plans for community use of the property in 2024 such as sports fields, walking trails, a small parking lot and picnic shelter, and hosting events like movie nights and concerts.
Yes. Yes. Yes!! Once the property is safe and accessible we are very excited about the community using this property ASAP!
Yes! As we move forward, we always have our eyes and ears open for new possibilities and partnerships. Do you know of someone or an organization that would be interested? Please contact Leadership Team member Eric Nieder at